rober gonzález

latest works

if you need more information about these and/or other projects I have worked on, drop me a line to

feel free to ask!

Fresh People Talent Booster

The intelligent CRM for managers

Design Lead - Product Design

Ajuntament de Barcelona Decidim

Digital platform for citizen participation

UX and UI Design

El Corte Inglés Data Visualization Design

DataViz Design Service

Team Lead and Project Management - Data Visualization Expert

Enel - Endesa Internal apps redesign

Enel DS application in technology migration

Team Lead and Project Management

Vodafone System Status Dashboard

ELK / Kibana Dashboard

Data Visualization Design

Junta de Andalucía Educational mobile apps

iOS and Android apps

Team Lead and Project Management

Metro de Madrid Andén Central

Employee Digital Workplace

UX and UI Design

Enagás SL-ATR

Third-party SaaS ERP

Team Lead and UI Design

Cepsa 2030

BI Dashboard - Tableau

Data Visualization Design

IAG - Iberia QnA

QnA Mobile App for Pilots and Flight Attendants

Team Lead and Mobile App Design

Santander BSM Portal

Enterprise Banking Portal

Team Lead and UI Design

Santander Cybersecurity Dashboard

BI Dashboard - Qlik

Data Visualization Design

Amena Web

User Research

Service Design

Orange Onboarding

User Research

Service Design

IAG - Iberia Initiatives

BI dashboard – Microsoft PowerBI

Data Visualization Design

Junta de Andalucía MSD

Public Sector Digital Products / Official website

Team Lead and Project Management

side projects

Personal Website

Design and code

Should I Justify?

Should I Justify?

Design and code